Social media marketing is an essential activity in all modern organisations. The concept explains how to fit social software and social strategies around core business problems and uses case study examples from across different industries to highlight how firms are executing their strategies.
Facebook has become the unequaled king of the social media field. People share and exchange ideas every day through Facebook. The instant and live nature of this medium have made it a vital part of many businesses marketing strategy to reach, connect, market, engage and get feedback from their customers. From a small coffee shop to a multi-million dollar brand, Facebook continuously provides great value in build and maintaining a good relationship. Facebook PPC advertising has some specific advantages over similar advertising with Google AdSense. Facebook has a younger and more connected audience, and you can target your campaign to very specific demographic sets.
With 328M active users 2hours usage/person/day, your potential customers, recruits and advocates are almost definitely already on the platform, meaning you should be as well. The fact is, people are 51% more likely to purchase from your business after hitting the follow button on a brands Twitter.
LinkedIn is the great professional social network for both business and professionals in online now with an incredible 37 million users in India, and a particular users of business professionals. LinkedIn remains the best social networking site to market your business-to-business (B2B) products and services because of the focus on that demographic.