You can ignore the space required for the function call. It helps in establishing a multi-channel solution that supports all types of sales channels while also assisting the clients in converting sales leads. Explanation- An enterprise platform is a set of services that provide potential customers with a (virtual) product or service. Mamitha Baiju Age, Family, Height, Wiki, Date Of Birth, And More! Each category has its strengths and weaknesses. Solutions from Enterprise Business Solutions include software applications (desktop and mobile) or software systems (server and cloud-based). The World Wide Web. Describe the article and what you learned from it. Transaction support:In an enterprise lakehouse many data pipelines will often be reading and writing data concurrently. They are removing the data inconsistency and challenges from every other department and also improving the productivity of the organization. Enterprise platforms can help organizations, but only if organizations are larger than a certain size. tutorconsortium633. 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Q59.A large restaurant organization collects large amounts of data across all of its. A platform contributes to business optimization. A.It serves as a single point of entry, eliminating information silos, promoting real-time processing, and supporting centralized application management.B.It deploys and serves an application, ensuring high availability even during periods of high traffic.C.It removes the need for maintaining the underlying coding infrastructure for developing applications for platform extension.D.It serves as a single point of entry while respecting information silos and supporting centralized applicationmanagement. An enterprise business solutions are a software application or a software system which is providing the capabilities from the system integrations, and it also cooperates with the centralized shared data. Q68.An Accenture client is currently using Salesforce as its Customer RelationshipManagement (CRM) solution. Enterprise platform helps users to establish a direct link between the buyer and seller and people can easily discuss issues related to business with friends and coworkers. How to Find the Right Moving and Storage Company, How Small Business Owners Can Maximize Net Profits and Net Worth. WebFor details, see the documentation of your switch. Large enterprises need to implement new technology solutions faster to compete effectively in todays marketplace. A. Which Accenture tool will help the clientselect the best type of platform for overcoming these challenges? 1. It is a technology that directly connects a supplier with the consumer to complete a task or achieve a goal. DEP, A technological buzzword which I have never heard of before is an unmatched powerful platform that consolidates all the existing SAP technological platforms with the cloud solutions and next generation analytics solution to produce the real-time, most accurate But for a better understanding of this question, you have to start with what is, An enterprise platform is a group of technology and tools which are used as a base upon other applications, processes, and other types of technologies developed. Q65.Which areas of a business would most benefit from using the Workday platform? Conclusion on Which Statement Describes an Enterprise Platform. WebA. When people connect to this platform, it becomes simple to process the stored data as well as other technologies. An industry-leading local SDD that integrates with the other products in the Google Cloud Platform suite. The basic difference between them is the nature of interactions between the firm and its consumers, and between its consumers. Webdefinition of enterprise platform: Today's digital platforms are widely used to increase company work productivity to achieve the desired business goal s. Digital platforms are containers that are used to run a system according to program plans that are made online. Content management systems (CMS) such as Drupal or WordPress, a list of enterprise software applications such as Skype, and web development such as Laravel or AngularJS, can all be part of an enterprise platform. The market for enterprise platforms is constantly changing. 1st Page : Q63.Accentures IPS works closely with six major platform businesses. How can Migrating to an enterprise platform solutions help? In the blockchain technologies, the benefits are dealing with the centralized data control. Enterprise platforms can help organizations meet their goals without integrating with other applications, This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. You should consider whether you should build an enterprise platform if your company has four or more major product lines, several distinct market segments (such as manufacturing versus software), multiple geographies, or more than 15 employees overall. Companies can also use platforms to build up brand equity for themselves and compete with their competitors. So far, I believe these are the key components of an experience: brand, customer, data, technology, business & solution architecture, business model, culture, knowledge, people, process, platforms, products & services and channels. SCM process is an end to the end channel. What is an example of an Experience component within an enterprise platform. To optimize business performance, streamlined operations are always required. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Platforms also transform connections into transactions, ensuring that the transaction is in the correct format for communicating and that it communicates properly. An organisation structure is important for a smooth flow of communication and better control over the operations of a business enterprise. In a nutshell, "enterprise" refers to significant corporate organizations or ventures that encompass a wide range of roles and activities. They facilitate all sorts of effective information and share it among the entire company business network. What kind of scalability does your current data infrastructure support? An EIP is a set of software tools, or components, with one or more common features. Which describes a platform TQ answer? Question: Which statement describes an enterprise platform? How much flexibility will you have in developing custom features? Website by. It wants to migrate all data to the cloud to more easily gain insightsaround customer behavior and have asked Accenture for help. C)It is a framework that connects people, processes, and other technologies together to deliver on a strategic business goal. But make sure that the market is big enough for your product and growing fast enough so that demand wont dry up before your product is ready. A Brief Guide Of 2022, How to Automate Project Management With Professional, Enterprise Mobile Apps Are The Real Deal For A Greater Working Culture, A Guide To The Business Market In Virginia And How To Enter It. They do this either by providing a way for someone to buy products directly from the seller or by providing an opportunity for sale-buyback programs where someone buys back securities after they are bought. And functions of your business channels are run through the data collection of the business. Right on! It also requires patience, determination, and vast knowledge in legal, @2021 - All Right Reserved. 1. If one of these criteria applies to your organization, then you may need an enterprise platform to support your business strategy. Businesses are using platforms like Alibaba and Amazon to sell products. The Enterprise Solution Delivery article describes nine practices for building large solutions, of which several interact heavily with the architectural runway: Continually refine the fixed/variable solution intent The Solution Intent defines many constraints in the form of Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs). Because theyre often large organizations with complex workflows, they require tools and expertise that allow them to integrate and automate various systems efficiently and seamlessly. Enterprise platforms also make it possible for users on different devices (phones, tablets) or operating systems (iOS vs Android) to access applications securely through a single login process. What is an example of experience component within an enterprise platform? A. In addition towhich statement describes an enterprise platform, there are some important details you should know about it, read them below: We hope that after reading the details above, you have a clear understanding of Enterprise Platform and now you can easily answer the question which statement describes an enterprise platform? If you found this article useful, please leave a comment below to let us know. The more options you have, the better. The success of your business entirely depends on the functions of your business channel. Enterprise Platforms are a set of technologies and tools that serve as a foundation for the development of other enterprise application software, processes, or technologies. It is a platform that directly connects a supplier with a consumer through a social networking interface to complete end-to-end business. A.It boosts a businesss unused capabilities and takes advantage of its resources.B.It decreases costs by reducing the purchase and maintenance of equipment.C.It lowers the rate of data breaches and cybercrimes with its advanced security features.D.It leverages a businesss existing capabilities and utilizes externally hired resources. Q60.A client seeks Accentures help in hiring for critical roles and decreasing attrition. They ask such a question to have in-depth knowledge about what an enterprise platform is and what it does. What Is the Core Function of An Enterprise Platform? A tool used to coordinate recruitment of new employees. For example, a simple CRM system may include: Good enterprise platforms allow you to do everything with one tool. How can Migrating to an enterprise platform? Enterprise platforms are always the best solutions for improving the functions of the channels:1. It is more important to note that enterprise systems consist of a set of integrated software applications with different capabilities that work together. and a large number of leads. What is the best way to send a fax online? May be you hear about blockchain application development services. They allow workers to have a central place for managing the content generated by various types of workers, including writers, editors, and designers. It saves money because you spend less on marketing, training, and sales operations. Your email address will not be published. But for a better understanding of this question, you have to start with what is enterprise platform. They are also referred to as enterprise-level software Enterprise platforms can help organizations, but only if organizations are larger than a certain size. An enterprise platform is a set of technologies that enable organizations to develop and manage applications securely, at scale, and across hybrid cloud environments. Q52.A company is looking to share data between two platforms in order to extend their functionality. . And functions of your business channels are run through the data collection of the business. And the, I think you already get the answer of which statement describes an enterprise platform. Conclusion of What is Enterprise Platform? Software as a Service C. Application as a Service D. Infrastructure as a Service. The ease in which the customer can find what she needs. by allowing all employees to access and share the same stored data faster. Copyright 2022 Slide Business. Enter the VLAN ID. A good business idea is to choose an established multi-channel sales channel solution in order to have a solid platform that supports every kind of sales channel and also helps your clients convert sales leads into actual sales. Enterprise systems are a set of integrated software applications that exhibit different capabilities and works. An enterprise platform is a set of technologies that enable organizations to develop and manage applications securely, at scale, and across hybrid cloud A typical I hope friends, through this article, I have given you information about What is Enterprise Platform? Q67.A large jewelry chain is struggling with managing more than 60 vendors, causing a lag between consumer demand and availability of new products. It is a framework that connects processes, people, and other technologies together to deliver a strategic business goal. This disregard has the By creating an account, you agree to our terms & conditions, Download our mobile App for a better experience. Enterprise applications are integrations that reduce costs and investments.4. Enterprise Platform is an all-inclusive solution to host and manage all your business applications. ANS No, because a platform includes customization and extensibility. It integrates your data, processes, and settings into one easy-to-use platform. What is an example of experience component? Answer: In IT, a platform is any hardware or software used to host an application or service. A.The organization can build onto its own technology advances with minimal cost.B.The organization can create its own platform and migrate its own data.C.The organization can use a platform to manage data on the cloud in an applicable way.D.The organization will save money by installing its own updates before migrating. Why? The CRM software is individually recorded every information of the customers and leads. It helps the business to gain consistent customer insights and customer scope of interest. You can also set up alerts that will notify you when something needs attention. Q50.A customer uses an app to order pizza for delivery. Enterprise platforms take time to implement, so if youre looking for something that can be implemented quickly, an enterprise platform may not be right for your company. 1 : a project or undertaking that is especially difficult, complicated, or risky. Because we will discuss both the detailed and concise answers to this question. Enterprise platforms can help organizations meet their goals without integrating other applications. A mobile app used by customers to place orders. In a nutshell if we describe an enterprise platform then it is a sort of connecting place for business firms where they can fulfil their business needs without introducing other applications of the system. 2 It is a platform that directly connects a supplier to a consumer through a social media networking interface to complete an end-to-end business. It helps employees interact with their supervisors. State true or false. A customer uses an app to order pizza for delivery. This saves time and money by reducing human error and improving efficiency. Here are some of the other questions that business owners are often asked before selecting Enterprise platforms. (d)Enterprise platforms can help organizations meet their goals without integrating other applications. Perhaps you have also come across the query online, saying, Which statement describes an enterprise platform. It is a common question among people coming into the world of enterprise platforms. Before selecting the enterprise platforms, you need to be more confident about what your present business requirements are and then find the solution. Many articles have been written on how to develop, understand, and evaluate a business case. Your email address will not be published. Please also use functions. Suppose that a PDU is not allowed to carry information from more than one Do you want it to be able to scale if your business grows? What about security and privacy? It is a framework that connects people, processes , and other technologies together to deliver on a Which Teeth Are Normally Considered Anodontia? I think you already get the answer of which statement describes an enterprise platform. You Should Know About Your Rights After a Motorcycle Accident, Increase Your Homes Value With a Pressure Washing Service, Home Renovation Tips For Bathrooms, Kitchens, and Bedrooms, How Elderly People Can Take Care of Their Health, Discover the amazing world of Gumball games. Interact. The goal is to streamline corporate processes so that they run automatically without requiring manual intervention. GIVEN:- Which statement describes an enterprise platform? The answer to which statement is true of an enterprise platform is Enterprise platforms help organizations to meet their goals without integrating other applications. B. That means an enterprise platform should provide everything you need to build, deploy and manage apps across hybrid cloud environments from concept through deployment and into production. Explanation: Enterprise platforms enable end-to-end business by connecting a supplier and a customer directly through a social networking interface. What is a feature of platforms in enterprise platforms? The main target of the enterprise platform is to provide the ultimate solutions to customers. A platform provides the foundation required to leverage emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, cognitive computing, machine learning, blockchain, robotics, augmented reality, virtual reality, and the Internet of Things. The applications that are available today range from a simple tabletop platform designed specifically for writers, to fully automated services that can be used across all departments in large enterprises services. a. What is enterprise platform in Accenture? The Enterprise platform is lowering the time and effort.6. Blogging Mentor is an online blogging platform that is dedicated to provide its users with knowledgeable and informative articles that are based on trendy and updated contents. and other technologies together to deliver on a O This content can be used to build brand awareness and trust, but also influence customer behavior. Without having relationships with the customer, the goal of achieving is almost becoming impossible to have. If youre looking for a simple way to manage your daily tasks, then a freemium solution might be right for you. The border colour of a table can be changed true or false, Neha has written the HTML code in the Notepad now she wants to see her web page help her. Find All Accenture TQ Answer Here Accenture TQ. What is the difference between a platform and a network? The above statements are intended to describe the general nature and level of work being performed by team members assigned to this classification. Q55.A new Accenture client is looking for a platform that will help them in hiring forcritical roles and decreasing attrition. It is a framework that connects people, processes , and other technologies together to deliver on astrategic business goal. TQ Enterprise Platform Objective type question, Computer Science Multiple Choice Questions with Answer,,, Artificial Intelligence Multiple Choice Questions, Machine Learning Multiple Choice Questions. What differentiates Accenture's Intelligent Platform Services (IPS) when GIVEN:- Which statement describes an enterprise platform? how to handle it This action would increase the number of cells in the workbook above the limit of 10000000 cells in spreedingsheet ? That means no surprises, no miscommunication, and fewer headaches later down the line. Then channel the data to the functions of enterprise platforms. O it is a platform that directly connects a supplier with a consumer through a social networking interface to First of all, what do you need your new platform to do? WebImplements and maintains systems that are highly available, scalable, and self-healing. They are giving software solutions to get their job done. According to the IT platform, any of the hardware and software are used to host an application platform. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . To see 1st Page visit this link Required fields are marked *. A platform can facilitate effective communication between suppliers and consumers. Read it and let us know your opinion. It is a platform that helps people connect and share content with colleagues and friends for social and business purposes. A.Operations will be expanded and IT Systems will continue to be siloed.B.Solutions will be rolled out in just a few months.C.Products and services will launch to market faster than ever.D.Teams will recommission deactivated servers and applications. How enterprises use platforms to differentiate and compete, Types of platforms and their characteristics. An enterprise platform is a set of services that provide potential customers with a (virtual) product or service. 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved In the blockchain technologies, the benefits are dealing with the centralized data control. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. What is Undifferentiated Marketing | Undifferentiated Marketing Strategy? Enterprise platforms can help organizations, but only if organizations are larger than a certain size. Cloud storage offers high levels of security for your data, so you dont have to worry about it being stolen or lost during transfer between locations or devices. Enterprise platforms can help organizations meet their goals after being configured. Waiting for Godot is Beckett's translation of his own original French-language play, En attendant Godot, and is WebTrue or false: Platform businesses are organized as traditional linear pipelines. She loves writing about beauty, travel, animals, sports, and health. WebWaiting for Godot (/ d o / GOD-oh) is a play by Samuel Beckett in which two characters, Vladimir (Didi) and Estragon (Gogo), engage in a variety of discussions and encounters while awaiting the titular Godot, who never arrives. Now you know what is an enterprise platform. A.The organization can build onto its own technology advances with minimal cost. ANS It is a framework that connects people, processes, and other technologies together to deliver on astrategic business goal. This article will guide you on how, Starting a business from scratch is pretty strenuous. It should also be flexible enough to accommodate the ever-changing needs of businesses since it has to adapt themselves to change. Assuming that the stack size limit is 1mb, how large can you declare an array of doubles inside a c++ function? I am unable to view Enterprise Platform question from 1 to 50 could you please send a link, 1 to 20 Which type of platform provider can help this company? Enterprise Platform is a group of technologies & tools that are used as a base upon which other applications, processes or technologies are developed. WebEnterprise applications are systems that span functional areas, focus on executing business processes across the business firm, and include all levels of management. Put differently, the phone is only useful if other people (users) also own a phone. There are three essential systems by which the enterprise platforms are performing. Which Helps Enable An Oligopoly To Form Within A Market? But how are they meeting goals? Depending on your needs and the size of your business you will likely find it helpful to think about your portfolio strategy holistically rather than just in terms of channels. by freeing up employees time to focus on core business activities. Improving the control and connections of the company.2. Is there enough room to expand your operations once you get started with the chosen platform? Theres a lot to consider when youre looking for an enterprise platform. It's core function is customer relationship management program. This is a platform that directly connects with suppliers and consumers through social networking interfaces for a perfect end-to-end business. Hence these ideas are going to generate a better concept about which statement describes an enterprise platform. Here are the main functions of the enterprise platform. Correct answer is (C)It is a framework that connects people, processes, and other technologies together to deliver on a strategic business goal. Business intelligence platforms include BI suites. Enterprise platforms can help organizations meet their goals without integrating other applications. You should also consider whether you want to buy or build an enterprise platform since both options have their pros and cons. Accenture should suggest an enterprise platform utilizing whichtype of process? There are four main categories of enterprise platforms available today. When should you choose an enterprise platform? Answer: Enterprise platforms can help organizations meet their goals without integrating other applications. Easy Fixes By Experts From Mobile Repair Shops, Redmi mobile price 5000 to 7 000 IN India 2022. It saves money because you spend less on marketing, training, and other technologies to! 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