So for the last two weeks, I have been alternately counting the days until April, forcing myself to think of anything else, vacillating between self-confidence and self-doubt, and drinking chamomile tea to calm my stomach/nerves. You were an assistant in 2016-2017 and now you are applying again for 2023-2024) you must apply through the general TAPIF application at We cannot take special circumstances into account when making our regional assignments, so we cannot guarantee placement in any particular Acadmie. Apply on tapif.orgstarting October 15th every year. Use analog, ADAT, Dante, AES/EBU, and Waves SoundGrid platforms with our PRO Hub cards. October 26, 2012 haleyinfrance Leave a comment. Fulbright ETAs also have the prestige of being official Fulbright grantees. In the french school system, every 6 weeks of school is followed by a 2 week break (give or take). You can say "response" instead of "hear back" when you want to sound more professional or respectful. I've seen both and don't know which is more natural to say. Program acceptance and placement decisions are done entirely by merit (and not on a "first come, first served" basis). Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. From what I gather, there are (small) differences between all countries (including between Canada and the U.S.) when it comes to just about everything so keep this in mind while . They are able to spend 7 months teaching English to French students of all ages in French public schools both in metropolitan France as well as the overseas departments. Just keep everybody on standby till you hear back from me. A large number of accepted applicants withdraw over the course of the summer, meaning that roughly 300 waitlisted candidates were eventually offered positions for the 2018-2019 program. Many accompanying significant others go to France as students by enrolling in an academic program in France for the year - student visas are much easier to obtain than other long-stay visas, and this way, the person can go to France and take some classes for the length of the other persons assistant contract. Applications for 2023-2024are closed. Depending on your housing situation, you may need enough money to pay a security deposit and first months rent on an apartment. The Acadmies usually do their best to keep couples together. However, assistants are responsible for purchasing their plane tickets to and from France and must cover any costs associated with traveling to their regional VFS center in the U.S. for the visa application process (there is no visa application fee, but assistants will be required to pay a $37 processing fee to VFS during their visa appointment plus a $38 fee toship the passport after it has been stamped). Join. Example: for the 2018-2019 program, approximately 2,000 people applied for roughly 1,100 available positions. Study and renew your teaching contract, giving you yet another work visa. Fantastic. Each year, about1,500American citizens and permanent residents teach in public schools across all regions of metropolitan France and in the overseas departments of France such as French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Runion. At the time, I had decided to wait until the last possible moment to accept or decline; I originally wanted to wait to hear back from some of the other internships and fellowships I had applied for. First of all, if you are accepted to the program, we cannot guarantee that you would be assigned near the particular university at which you are interested in studying. If you did get placed in the city where the university is located, your university classes would need to fit in with your teaching schedule, which can vary greatly depending on a schools needs as there is no set teaching schedule. Everyone's hours get doled out differently, but I was still in a school building four days a week, and I was in a school building for more than those 12 hours. TAPIF Alumni Scholarshipssupportformer teaching assistants who wish topursue graduate studies at selectU.S. universities, including Boston University, Columbia University, New York University, the Middlebury Institute of International Studies, Middlebury Language Schools, Penn State University, the University of Minnesota, the University of Mississippi, the University of Virgina,the University of WisconsinMadison, the University of Minnesota, and Tulane University. Other Acadmies like Amiens, Caen, Limoges, Poitiers, Reims and Rouen, are less "competitive". In my last post, I briefly mentioned my acceptance into the Teaching Assistantship Program in France (TAPIF) for the 2020-21 year, and I'm excited to announce that I have an update regarding that program. 800per month allows most assistants to buy food, rent a room or apartment in their town, and live a modest student lifestyle. I became obsessed after a short visit in 2009 following a study abroad course in Italy.Every move I made, from switching my minor concentration to French, to seeking out opportunities to study abroad for a semester, was a calculated move to find myself back in France as quickly as possible. After ranking applicants based on the programs application evaluation criteria, the top 1,100 applicants were immediately offered positions in early April. The application for next year, 2013-2014, has just been made available online and can be viewed here and more information about the program can be . These two elements of the application can be the deciding factors as to whether an applicant gets accepted to the program or not. Assistant leaves for France only after securing his or her long-stay work visa. Assistants are generally not allowed to have second official jobs within the bounds of their visa. 785 per month allows most assistants to buy food, rent a room or apartment in their town, and live a modest student lifestyle. And then you wont find out your establishment before June - youll receive your arret anytime between June-august. Press J to jump to the feed. If you have a significant delay for any reason, please contact the TAPIF Program Manager to inquire about the possibility of an extension. You will be able to log-in to see your previously completed application. I am one of those people who believes in fate, that all things are connected, blah blah blah. Like stepping back into time, I felt like I was in a monastery and in that moment I wanted to become . If you started an application but did not submit it, we are not able to use that application for this school year. But I've exclusively only ever heard French speakers pronounce it "weh.". 10 votes, 14 comments. Please note that work visas for assistants usually take 1-3 weeks to be issued. The above information is meant to inform interested TAPIF candidates and alumni of the discounted courses available to TAPIF affiliates. We base our evaluations on a number of criteria including: French-language skills, teaching experience, experience working with children or young adults, experience living abroad, the level and focus of the applicants university studies, and general motivation. I've been dying to go back." "Participating in the TAPIF program was something I'd been dreaming of since my sophomore year at Saint Ben's, when I heard about the program from my study abroad director Dr. Ana . 44% hear from employers within a couple of weeks of applying. Be sure to consultthe 2022-2023American Assistant Handbook and the overarching program guide,Le guide de l'assistant de langue en Franceprovided by France ducation International,for helpful information and many answers to frequently asked questions! Any questions on this process should be referred directly to the assistants local CAF office. A 20 cell phone plan gets you 3Gb of data, which can be used to navigate new places, upload photos to share with family and friends back home, and also look up those last minute translations when . After that, there is no fee for participating in the program. For instance, if you wanted to study in Tours and ended up being placed in the Acadmie dOrlans-Tours, the school district administrators might still assign you to a city other than Tours (and you may end up teaching far away from the university). There is a non-refundable $90 application fee to apply to the program. Some schools and contact persons arrange housing for their assistants ahead of time (for instance, a school might have a standing agreement with a landlord in the town who rents his/her apartment each year to assistants), while others are not able to provide very much help to their assistants. Both legal and paid, the teaching assistant program can be a fantastic way to get your feet wet in France and experience life here. After that, there is no fee for participating in the program. I had great colleagues at the schools and had so much free time to enjoy France and Europe. Many assistants earn extra money by tutoring, babysitting, or becoming an unofficialau pair. Applicants must have an intermediate proficiency in French. The program involves just 12 hours of work per week . Rules are subject to change by school district and regional labor authority. Applications for the 2022-2023 Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF) are Now Open. Please note: Urban areas like Paris can be extremely expensive. I quit my job in NYC to do the program for the 2009-10 school year and had a 7-month contract . This way, if you are provided with housing by your school, youll be pleasantly surprised and will have some extra money saved up. We evaluate your French language skills by looking at a number of elements on your application, including: If you dont have a French professor or language evaluator to do a language evaluation recommendation for you, OR if you have not taken many (or any) formal French classes, then you can sign up to take one of the standardized French language tests available through the Alliance Franaise. Certain schools are able to arrange housing for their assistants, and some can offer assistants very cheap or even free housing at their schools dormitory (some high schools in France have boarding students who live at the school during the academic year, and the school can sometimes house their assistant in exchange for performing duties similar to those of an R.A.). On the subject of electronics, an unlocked smartphone is a great item to bring. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You will be notified in all cases, whether your candidacy has been selected or declined. We encourage you to apply for both programs. First of all, if you are accepted to the program, we cannot guarantee that you would be assigned near the particular university at which you are interested in studying. . Exact processing times depend on the VFS center and the consular jurisdiction, however, so please consult the website for your regional French consulate's visa service for more information. Most assistants leave for France with at least $2,000 in savings to help cover the initial startup costs during the first couple of months they are in France (assistants who want extra spending money or who want to travel during weekends and school breaks usually bring up to $5,000). IMPORTANT: If you are selected for renewal, you MUST return home to the U. S. to apply for a new visa. Of course, the ultimate April Fools joke was played on me by some of my professors, who told me that everyone heard from TAPIF but me. I have the most up to date information on the subject because I recently completed TAPIF and I keep in touch . Well, it brings me great joy to announce that I was accepted to TAPIF for 2016-2017 program in the academie de Strasbourg! Apply on tapif.orgstarting October 15th every year. Todays the day we are supposed to hear back! This way, if you are provided with housing by your school, youll be pleasantly surprised and will have some extra money saved up. Certain Acadmies are more "competitive" than others. The University of Pittsburgh has received a record number of first-year/freshman applications to the Pittsburgh campus. It broke my heart to hear him talk negatively about the students because I don't think focusing on the negative will ever help students improve. Assistants are also responsible for the costs of travel to and from their regional French consulate in the U.S. for the visa application process. Past assistants have been able to successfully defer their student loans by making a loan deferment request directly to their loan provider. Their applications will be reviewed based on the same selection criteria applied to first-time applicants. We explored our home base, Troyes, and also visited Clermont-Ferrand, Caen, Paris, and Marseille on our vacations. Assistants are also responsible for covering the cost of: airfare to and from France, traveling to their appropriate regional French consulate to apply for their long-stay work visa, and the translation of documents required to enroll in the French national healthcare system. As most of you know, my father passed away when I was 15. It is best to work off of the assumption that you would need to find your own place to live in France. Exact processing times depend on the VFS center and the consular jurisdiction, however, so please consult the website for your regional French consulate's visa service for more information. I wanted to go back abroad, but then COVID hit, so I did TAPIF again in 20-21. And that's for only 12 hours per week. It is fine for assistants to enroll in classes at local universities after arriving in France and figuring out how much spare time their teaching schedule allows, so this can work if you are just interested in doing classes on the side. Previous applicants will still be required to pay the application fee. To all TAPIF applicants, we wish you good . why I quit TAPIF: a cautionary tale to future participants. We base our evaluations on a number of criteria including: French-language skills, teaching experience, experience working with children or young adults, experience living abroad, the level and focus of the applicants university studies, and general motivation. . When I applied for TAPIF in the fall of 2010, I had some knowledge of the program but no real idea of everything I was getting into! This includes any sort of religious head or facial covering. Posts about TAPIF written by Josie. For more information, see the French Skills section above.). You must have your test results BEFORE the application deadline. . I've heard assistant(e)s in . No. Dear University Partner, I hope this message finds you well. The Embassy cannot submit the request for you as each assistant's situation is different. If both members of the couple are accepted, we would do our best to place you together in the same region. Several organizations offer discounted certification courses for future, current, and former TAPIF Assistants: The Embassy does not endorse these courses and does not promote specific organizations or offerings. You will also need to provide the following documents: You should also keep working on your French-language skills and try to gain as much experience as possible teaching or working with young people. Applications for 2023-2024are now closed. You should work on the assumption that you will have to find your own housing in France. We are usually (but not always) able to assign assistants to one of their top 3 regions of choice. Please note that work visas for assistants usually take 1-3 weeks to be issued. The above information is meant to inform interested TAPIF candidates and alumni of the discounted courses available to TAPIF affiliates. The program does NOT cover airfare to and from France, nor does it cover the costs of travel to the regional VFS visa processing office for the mandatory in-person visa appointment. These tests are scored on the European Framework of Reference for Languages and test scores are reflected on that scale (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2). Assistants are responsible for all costs associated with travel to their regional and/or preferred VFS visa processing office in the U.S. to apply for their long-stay work visa. The Teaching Assistant Program in France allows native English speakers to come and teach English in French schools. Most selected participants have taken at least a few French courses in college or have demonstrated a serious study of French after graduation. A scan of your passport. For instance, if you wanted to study in Tours and ended up being placed in the Acadmie dOrlans-Tours, the school district administrators might still assign you to a city other than Tours (and you may end up teaching far away from the university). You will be notified whether your candidacy has been selected or declined. Most assistants leave for France with at least $2,000 in savings to help cover the initial startup costs during the first couple of months they are in France (assistants who want extra spending money or who want to travel during weekends and school breaks usually bring more than $2,000). I've heard of assistants in Reunion making . This means we would not automatically accept a significant other who is not qualified for the program simply because the other member of the couple is very qualified. The Assistants de langue en France program is managed by France ducation international. You can modify it or submit it as is. You do not need to submit this with your initial application. NW | Washington D.C. 20007Send an email, Follow us on Instagramand LinkedIn to get the latest program updates and see what our Assistants are up to this year! Congratulations to 2022-2023 TAPIF Teaching Assistant Madeline Ewing! the email you used for the new 2023-2024 application. The application submission deadline for the 2023-2024 cohort is January 15th, 2023. As placement decisions are done on merit (and the most qualified applicants get placed first), it can be very tough for two people to both receive placements in very popular (and therefore very competitive) Acadmies like Paris, Strasbourg, Lyon, Grenoble, etc. Each person must qualify individually before we will take the applicants status as a couple into account. (If you do not have access to a university French professor or Alliance Franaise language evaluator to complete the language evaluation recommendation, then you may take a standardized French language test and submit those scores instead. You should also keep working on your French-language skills and try to gain as much experience as possible teaching or working with young people. While assistants do not live in luxury, most are able to live comfortably during their 7-month contract. Here is what you should do: We will then transfer your dossier to the 2023-2024 school year and email you with new log-in information. October 28, 2020. Many assistants apply for and receive housing subsidies from the Caisse dAllocations Familiales (CAF), however please note that not everyone is eligible to receive CAF as the subsidy is issued on a case-by-case basis. (waiting to hear back from one other program and unsure of . You were an assistant in 2016-2017 and now you are applying again for 2020-2021) you must apply through the general TAPIF application at This gives the employer a reasonable amount of time to respond. If you do not have a passport, if your passport has expired, or if it will expire before that October date, you should start the passport application/renewal process immediately in order to have it before the TAPIF application deadline. It can therefore be VERY difficult to make ends meet on the assistantship salary in the Ile-de-France region. Americans are allowed to travel in France for up to 90 days as tourists (without a visa), however after this amount of time, the non-assistant must have a visa. English Language Teaching Assistant in France: As an American, you cannot work in France without a visa, and you must apply for the visa in your country of origin. However, due to the number of requests and limited availability in certain regions, we are simply unable to accommodate all applicants requests. Generally placements begin for wait listers in the middle of April (top 100) and will continue until the 4th of July. The assistant visa does not provide any coverage for dependents, nor does it provide a pathway to obtaining a visa for dependents. 2 If you submitted an application prior to the 2019-2020 school year, email the Program Manager at with the subject line PREVIOUS APPLICANT. that I don't know how my experience might differ from your daughter's. Nevertheless, I say "go for it!" Paper letters of recommendation will NOT be accepted. If you started an application but did not submit it, we are not able to use that application for this school year. I ended up making my decision on the issue before you had a chance to reply, but your words helped me feel more confident about my choice. However, the Embassy CAN provide you and/or your loan provider with a letter stating your position as a teaching assistant and the details of your placement, contract length, salary, etc. The main benefits of applying for a Fulbright spot rather than (or in addition to) the normal Embassy-managed TAPIF program are that Fulbright ETAs receive a travel allowance, health and accident coverage, and access to all enrichment activities offered by the Fulbright Commission (in addition to the normal teaching assistantship stipend). I taught at the secondary level so I had students from 6me to BTS. You will receive a new work contract (arrt de nomination) and must use this to apply for the new visa. The remaining teaching positions are administered through the Embassy Program (TAPIF). Assistants are responsible for purchasing their own plane tickets to and from France. there is plenty of time to take an under-the-table job. We can also accept Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) results to satisfy this requirement. An in-person visa appointment at the regional VFS office in the U.S. is mandatory. Former assistants wishing to do the program a second time must meet all normal program eligibility requirements. While we do have many French majors and minors in the program, we also have many assistants with backgrounds in other fields like education, international relations, political science, history, English, science, etc. Your recommendation letters and language tests will remain valid for this new submission. You can order a hard copy OR a PDF, both are fine. Flexibility is HIGHLY ENCOURAGED when it comes to regional placement. And yet I can 't hear my alarm clock. From many of the experiences that I heard about and deriving from my own experiences, here are a few things that I advise that you do: . Your continued . TAPIF - Teaching Assistant Program in France. DECEMBER 6, 2013. However, please try your best to begin your application early and submit before the deadline as we cannot guarantee that an extension will be possible. Example: for the 2018-2019 program, approximately 2,000 people applied for roughly 1,100 available positions. A large number of accepted applicants withdraw over the course of the summer, meaning that roughly 300 waitlisted candidates were eventually offered positions for the 2018-2019 program. Rosie says: August 8, 2017 at . Yes. NOTE: We can accept the compulsory version of the TCF for application purposes (meaning the version which only tests oral and written comprehension). If you are more interested in pursuing a degree or taking classes at a particular university, then this would be much more difficult. Every year nearly 1,500 new TAPIF participantstravel to France to take advantage of this unique opportunity to live in France to improve theirFrench proficiency level and discover the teaching profession. This means we would not automatically accept a significant other who is not qualified for the program simply because the other member of the couple is very qualified. A lot depends on the number of requests for a region vs. the number of positions available in that area. I looked into staying in student dorms (a possibility in France even if you are not a student, cheap but crappy), I asked people who had lived in Grenoble, then I messaged their friends, and their friends' friends, I messaged people in the Grenoble TAPIF Facebook group. Certain Acadmies are more "competitive" than others. Assistants need personal funds (suggested minimum of $2,000) to cover their start-up expenses during their first month or two in France. A lot depends on the number of requests for a region vs. the number of positions available in that area. Teaching assistants must obtain a long-stay work visa IN PERSON from the VFS center of their choosing in the U.S. Costs of travel to the assistant's regional VFS office are NOT covered by the program. However, we encourage applicants to take the version of this test which tests all four language skills (oral and written comprehension, as well as oral and written production), as this will providea more well-rounded evaluation of your current French level. Applications are ranked based on the above criteria and acceptance/placement decisions are made starting with the most qualified applicants. Once I heard back in early April, I had to wait even more until May to find out whether or not I'd been accepted. Many applicants are teachers and educators taking this year to immerse themselves in the French language. The stronger your application is, the more likely it is that you will be placed in your top area of choice. We welcome applicants between the ages of 20 and 35 who are interested in teaching English in France. the TAPIF process. We are usually (but not always) able to assign assistants to one of their top 3 regions of choice. October 1. The online application to TAPIF is similar to a typical online application. You were an assistant in 2016-2017 and now you are applying again for 2021-2022) you must apply through the general TAPIF application at If both people are accepted into the program and placed in the same region, then it is up to the school district to make the specific town and school assignments. If you do not receive a Fulbright, you will still be considered for a normal TAPIF position as long as you submit a TAPIF application on . Each year, about 1,500 American citizens and permanent residents teach in public schools across all regions of metropolitan France and in the overseas departments of France such as French Guiana . In other words, you're making about $28 an hour in the DOMs, and $18 an hour in the mtropole. You will be expected to dress in a manner that is appropriate to the context of an elementary, middle, or high school. But about three days later, I replied to Carolyn Collins officially accepting the position. All in all, assistants are responsible for covering the cost of: airfare to and from France (booking a round trip is usually less expensive), travelling to their appropriate regional French consulate plus payment to apply for their long-stay work visa, and the fee for a background check and translation of documents required to enroll in the French national healthcare system. Hi, Stokebailey I actually did this but so long ago now (40+ years!) When exactly in March did you hear back about your extension? Summary. Now I'm working in the UK (I just moved in September), but had thought about grad school (still might one day, but that's not an immediate thought right now). some got their decisions before me and some after. I'm starting to get a foothold in my classrooms, though, so for anyone out there who's thinking about doing TAPIF or just wants to hear about what I do, here's a little something about how the teaching assistant life is treating me. If an applicant receives one of the 10 Fulbright ETA spots, his or her teaching assistantship will be managed directly by the Fulbright Commission and the Institute of International Education (IIE), and he or she will not have much contact with the Embassy administration. Assistants are responsible for finding their own housing in France. I can hear someone coughing at night. You will be able to log-in to see your old completed application. level 1. If you want to give yourself the best chance of receiving a teaching position in France next year (whether Fulbright or not), you should apply to BOTH programs. As long as you meet the programs eligibility criteria, we encourage you to apply! The above information is meant to inform interested TAPIF candidates and alumni of the discounted courses available to TAPIF affiliates. Your recommendation letters and language tests will remain valid for this school year be reviewed based on the that. Criteria and acceptance/placement decisions are made starting with the most up to date information on the assumption you. You will be able to live in France allows native English speakers come! Guarantee placement in any particular Acadmie, Limoges, Poitiers, Reims and Rouen, are less competitive! If you started an application but did not submit the request for you as each assistant 's is... You good Clermont-Ferrand, Caen, Paris, and live a modest student lifestyle teachers and taking. 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