I haven't had good luck with the solvent but his lubricants are better than anything else I have tried. There was a hostile take over of that company so he left and started the company Steel Shield the maker of Weapon Shield. Break-Free CLP-4 Cleaner Lubricant Preservative: Also known as 2-in-1, CLP cleaner gun oil is specially designed to clean, lubricate and shield your gun from corrosion, and wear and tear. Both work great with no issues whatsoever. It's register to them.shooters choice/Ventco industries. It does all things good & one thing great: lubrication. Breakfree would stink up my gun room this stuff you can't tell you used anything. I don't have any Eesox so this has not been evaluated. By using Weapon Shield CLP, I have reduced the amount of time spent cleaning my weapons and have reduced the size of my cleaning kit. The oil is also great for preventing rust and corrosion, so your firearms will stay looking like new. Pasted as rich text. But I understand that they have changed the formula twice and it is not as good. It leaves a thin layer that doesn't seem to ever go away. One of my section buddies had as manyas 25 jams during the tac-shooting. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. As stated above one thing CLP that can do it all sounds too good to be true. Home Deep Cleaning - Standard; Home Deep Cleaning - Premium; Home Deep Cleaning - Supreme Even after ~500+ rds through my M&P15 Mid-length, a visible film of oil remains, keeping the action smooth as butter from first shot till last. We collect rifles from the late 19th through the Korean War era. I prefer to use a third product here, one designed to do that important task equally well. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; I use the Weapon Shield Grease on my SIGs and under the connector of my Glocks. amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; ***. They show Weapons Shield as an amazing protectant for friction. I always wonder how much credence to put into the test he does. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Thanks. This testing was done by pouring water over the samples and letting it rain and dew on them. Bill Weapon Shield for total gun care. Breakfree is nice, and I'll use it, but M-Pro 7 beats all, hands down. . Multiple applications as they reccomend. Personally I thinkFP-10 is far superior to weapon shield, but to each their own, I like weapon shield. That's it! I've used a lot of CLP's and thought I would give this one a try because of the Youtube test videos. F-35 Next Buyer: Will India Finally Acquire the American Stealth Fighter? US $ 14.99 other soldier ' s harsh, but small arms fire and melee. With robust designs and vintage classic style, discover the heritage of military timepieces today! We were training in derelict factories in civilian sectors that hadnt had any kind of heating for years. The letters C-L-P stand for, Clean, Lubricate and Protect. Meaning that one whiz-bang application of some CLP stuff will satisfy all your gun cleaning needs in one easy step. Feel much smoother compared to hoppes oil. Went from BF to Firepower FP-10 to WS. Field-tested in harsh military conditions, the Break-Free CLP-4 works in extreme temperatures without hardening and getting gummy with gunk and debris, even when the firearm's barrel gets hot. SIG SAUER is a registered trademark of SIG SAUER, Inc. All trademarks are property of their respective owners. Problem #2: Your guns will jam more often and fire fewer rounds While "CLP" lubes may prove to be adequate in clearing guns that have jammed - it's also true guns will tend to jam more often and fire fewer rounds if they are treated solely with "CLP" liquids in all maintenance events. They actuallyattack their own brothers-in-arms, the L and P foot soldiers that are formulated and packaged together with the C soldiers. I voted BreakFree CLP, but I also use MiliTec on my handguns. Glock Pistols.So simple a Caveman could fix them! Someone told me it is no longer available, so I grabbed two 16oz bottles off another sight and 2@4oz here. I used on my AR-15, 12 ga shotgun, 30-06, and Glock 19 as I waited until I got these products to have my range day. WEAPON SHIELD, the ultimate lubricant, cleaner and preservative, for weapons and weapon systems. Top subscription boxes right to your door, 1996-2023, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates, Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon. This is not to say that a lubricant cannot make cleaning easier. Red/White/Gold. You can believe whatever you want, but just because you believe something 100% doesn't make it true. I"m sold in BF. We poured some Weapon Shield in his rifle, and although the jams didnt stop entirely, they certainly became less frequent. Is it worth touching your guns twice? (A dumbing down of all three desired gun cleaning actions for the sake of selling an all-in-one formula). I often have sweaty hands and there has been no rust appear on the rifle, including under the handguard and other nooks and crannies. N N/Apower Registered Clean the gun well with one of the more newly formulated enzymatic gun cleaners focus first on preparing metal surfaces properly for the follow-on work the lubricating and protecting part. I love BF CLP. Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them. Second Media Corp., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. I use them on everything else and stick to BF on my AR's. The result? Weapon Shield Vs. Break-Free CLP's my testing (extensive). amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; The spray shield is excellent as is the grease. Weapon Shield grease is the best so far and better than the W.S. It is worth every penny. I have both WS and BF. A Trickle of Tanks: Europe is Slow to Deliver on Its Promise, SOFREP Cartoon: US Sends Stern Warning About Chinas Spy Balloons. Gun cleaners like MIL-COMMs MC25 and more aggressive MC50 out-clean any CLP type formulation. I am not sponsored by Weapons Shield but I support George and his products because it does what he says, and better than anything I have tried yet. Thanks for the review, I'll be getting some Weapon Shield today. All I can find is a polish website that is a remake of the same stuff. It works great for me. Does Weapon Shield CLP clean carbon and powder fouling well?Let's test it and seeI use a simple gun cleaner test consisting of a flat steel bar, smokeless powder, cleaning patches and a gun cleaner or CLP. Break-Free CLP is not U.S. military issue, and hasn't been for some time.The company has changed hands several time over the years, and is now part of Safariland. It cleans all the parts well, even after shooting 150+ dirty reloaded rounds. I'm sure I missed quite a few of them since I don't know all the products out there, like that one. H&K MP-5 Sub-Machinegun: Famous but not Friendly, A Former Delta Force Operators Glock 17 Setup, The Home Defense AR-15 Setting Up for Success, The Brutal Reality of the Flamethrower and the Men Who Carried It, Get Ready for Winter Fun: The Ski Gear Guide, Vehicle Preparedness: Fast access to essential items | Grey Man Tactical RIP-M, Overland Essential | Midland Radio MXT275 | GXT1000, Grab your gear and go | Heres everything youd need to build an adventure go bag, How to Use Military Mindset While Preparing for a Race, Fitness Gear Standard Weight Bench: A Budget Gym Equipment Review, EDC 101: What EDC Means and 4 EDC Gear to Have, Fit or Flop? Break-Free CLP does not contain Teflon. Hands down the best CLP I've ever used. BF CLP user here since I was first introduced to it in 1985. But, by the very nature of urban combat for us regular joes, we used way more than that. I been wanting to try ewapon shield myself for awhile now. Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group), 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. There is a reason that one of the worlds most valued, precision-engineered, volume-made pistolsSIG SAUERare made with synthetic grease during the assembly of tightly-fitted, heavy wear gun parts. Your weapon's lubricant plays two main roles. Actually, they are trying to do the impossible in terms of gun cleaning (and practical chemistry). Lemme kno. . WS stays put while BF drips and evaporates. it "sticks" to metal surfaces and leaves my guns buttery smooth in the action department, the best gun cleaner and lube I have ever used, Reviewed in the United States on January 23, 2017. The cause, of course, was the oil based lubricants that they used. There will be more following later on during the year when Ill have a more exhaustive sample to draw conclusions from. needle oiler AND 4 fl. Comedian and Student of Life | Ep 029 JP Sears, [ARCHIVED THREAD] - Weapon Shield CLP vs Breakfree CLP. You cannot paste images directly. If one looks at older books on gunsmithing and shooting, youll see this point borne out. Ideal viscosity and durability for machinery and equipment under heavy pressure, high load or stress and the harsh conditions of the most extreme operating environments. We began at atac-shoot type range to make us comfortable with the FX rounds and help us get used to the types of jams we could encounter with these. I have been also meaning to get BF LP I heard it is thicker then CLP so it will be better on my BCG. I used to use Ballistol and it is a good product. The only significant difference is that the FP-10 had a tendancy to dry up into brown goo on rifle in storage. Whether you have a handgun, rifle, or shotgun . Weapons shield CLP is the only lube I have ever used that stays in place even after the liquid portion is wiped away through use. Cheaper or not? Breakfree spray for cleaning, WeaponShield for lube. Subsequent cleanings of my Glock take only about 10 minutes. Never heard of WS til now to be honest. Any use of this content without express written consent is prohibited. I got a sample from WS, but can't really tell the difference at this time. I have been using BF CLP since 1989 and have not found any reason to use anything else. Meh '' products while FrogLube is the standard for oils, Break-Free.! *** CLP's do not clean as well as straight gun cleaners but they are great for lubrication and protection.For more gun cleaner and gun oil tests, please visit http://www.guncleaningtips.com. I use this CLP on not only my firearms (their grease is good for Garands!) It's truly a versatile CLP formula and I'm pretty sure competitors want to get their hands on it. FWIW, I use Slip 2000 gun cleaner/degreaser. Weapons Shield is an excellent gun lube, backed up by experimental data and experience in the field. I have worked with a lot of different lubricants in my job. Nor did it work worth a damn when wiped dry like they claim. I had tried shooters choice FP-10 and it was pretty much garbage.cold weather did not agree with it at all, gunked up my XD big time. Your link has been automatically embedded. Come join the discussion about optics, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Texaco Home Lubricant Red Shield Logo Metal Can-Spout 4 Oz. Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. All the test show WS best all of current gun lubes on the market. I have used Breakfree CLP and Militec. You can still see all customer reviews for the product. Firearms treated with Weapon Shield clean up very easily. I went through a bottle and did not find it much different than other oils. So work on your grip, download the mag and try a lighter weight recoil spring. I then attempt to wipe the area clean without using a brush. oil. I see shooters touting how they or their dads used good old 3-in-1 oil for years as a firearms lubricant, and it was good enough. I had previously cleaned and oiled this unit with the weaponshield. So with that said the Shooters Choice and FP-10 are my go to cleaners and lube but have recently found a bunch of YouTube videos on WeaponShield. It's a one stop CLP versus Hoppes cleaning kit which is has a cleaning solvent, then you have to lubricate. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "s07119-20"; So i went and shot 550 rounds through my ruger mark 3 this weekend. JavaScript is disabled. Knife Pivot Lube KPLKNIFESHIELD Knife Shield 4oz Polish. 2. You cannot make a pistol disappear, but you can create the illusion that you are unarmed. $19.75. I have the needle oiler and it is GREAT. Meanwhile, the DSL. Synthetic light grease like TW25B hangs around metal parts a lot longer than gun oil, and MIL-COMM grease will actuallyrepel sand, dirt, dust and firing debris. Use it on Glocks, shields, caniks, ars, aks, shotguns, literally everything I own. Fantastic seller. NO! Buy it. I bought Weaponshield to see the difference, and in my opinion, it seems a bit thicker, doesn't evaporate, and stays put. Becauseit was-20 degreesCentigrade that day, I did not lube my C6 until the very last minute to avoid parts freezing together. Prior to the first round being fired, I had applied a thin coat of Weapon Shield in my C7 and went on with the training. This turned out to be caused by my thumbs riding too high on the frame and somehow interfering with the slide action or the slide lock lever. In all, I cycled around 700 rounds through my service rifle, but some guys cycled way more than that depending on theirposition in the stack. No more solvent or lube.. just one thing to clean my BCG,Bore and well the whole AR-15.. So one thing a lubricant CAN do, is not gum up, or harden into a varnish. At least it's non toxic. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. Use of our website(s) implies understanding of our content disclaimer and privacy policy. No doubt, the best gun cleaner and lube I have ever used. The coating was baked on, and had to be soaked off in a solvent. The Ultimate Historical Timeline of Mechanical Lubrication, Well-Oiled Machine: Why Machine Lubrication is Necessary, Dillon Aero M134 Minigun Sand Test With MIL-COMM TW25B, Choosing the Best Industrial Lubricant for Your Application, How to Control Contamination in Machine Lubricants Systems. The bottle came busted from shipping to no fault of theirs and they quickly apologized and sent out a new bottle. Re: A silly question about WEAPON SHIELD CLP I've shot Hoppe's #9 oil through my barrel on my Glock 23 every time I shoot it. Duringan urban warfare training exercise, we were given around 400 rounds of FX Simunition per soldier on each day of training. Support Veteran Journalism . They have been in the Canadian Forces arsenal since the mid 90s. Weapon Shield CLP Review 14,067 views Jan 25, 2015 51 Dislike Share Save LoadoutRoom 5.4K subscribers Weapon Shield CLP. Best CLP on the market. So I don't want to start a lube war but I have been using primarily the Shooter's Choice line with FP-10 on most of my weapons and the Mil-Comm line with TW25b on a few and then Gunslick line on a few. They have been through a lot and it sometimes shows. This page works best with JavaScript. Jams of all kinds werehappening left and right,from casings jammed around the chamber to paint tips clogging thebarrel. I have been using them on 100 and 300 ton Hydraulic presses. I think you can use just about anything as long as you clean the gun each time you use it. Adam Brown: A SEALs Life of Courage and Redemption, Complete List: Ticonderoga-class Missile Cruisers To Retire By 2027, Nuclear Close Calls That Nearly Caused World War III, Russian Sausage Millionaire and Putin Critic Falls to His Death in India, Deadly Russian Rifle Brigade Wiped Out During War in Ukraine, Your Subscription Supports our Veteran Staff. Which today, ladies and gentlemen, leads us to opine on the value of so-called, CLP gun treatments. The U.S. Army is touting a new and improved lubricant for small arms ranging from the standard M4 carbine to the M240 machine gun, officials said. It works great and can be used for a variety of purposes. Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! But for high volume shooting, the thick coat actually works quite well, my weapon performs flawlessly, with the excess CLP burning off if I put too much. 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So i went through a lot of CLP 's my testing ( extensive ) practical..., even after shooting 150+ dirty reloaded rounds ARFCOM weekly newsletter and be entered to win free! As you clean the gun each time you use it on Glocks, shields, caniks,,!
Candar Boston Terriers,
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