Given the history I couldn't imagine Unity/UFT not being in control of that position and started asking around if Jolene is running again and sure enough Jonathan Halabi came up with BINGO. becoming part of the Committee of 100. the right to vote. and showing support when the budgets come before the voters. trying to assess from our members the current state of public education in New Michelle Couture. May 25 2022. turner ashby high school. on Regents exams, the effects of higher standards, the state and condition of You can unsubscribe from these emails at any time. The federal minimum wage is worth 28% less today than it was worth in 2009. June 4, 2022 Check names for misspellings or changes, update any new addresses and ensure your beneficiaries are listed in the proper order. Some have come with families looking for new opportunities in America; others are refugees forced from war-torn areas. ROSEMARY CATANZARITI was named E.D. In the upcoming legislative session, NYSUT will continue to advocate for allocating $100 million in state budget funds specifically for community schools. Work with a great group, in a nice, comfortable building! Not even close.. But probably it was just a power play to gain total control of NYSUT by the UFT Unity machine. In 2019, Melinda Person, who was NYSUT political director, assumed an additional title of Executive Director, an appointed position, which seems to echo the elected Ex Director. The Clarkstown TA, led by President Jon Wedvik, created CTA Solidarity for Peace T-shirts as a giveaway for donations to the union fundraiser to support Ukraine. NYSUT members receive a copy of NYSUT United as part of their dues benefit. Matt Jacobs, Regional Staff Director. That first classroom held only enough chairs and desks for Krogslund and her students; but she lovingly created a learning environment that would carry on for 51 years. We know this because we have seen it, said NYSUT Executive Vice President Jolene DiBrango, who chairs the committee. (ISSN 21587914) and are official publications of New York State United Teachers. Albany, NY 12212-5143. Community schools provide valuable supports for students and families beyond the classroom. NYSUT United (ISSN 21587914) and are official publications of New York State United Teachers. I want them to see that, Hey, I may just be one little person, but I can have an impact, Difino explained. Alaant Workforce Solutions is partnering with NYSUT to fill its Deputy Communications Director, Political and Rapid- Response role! school employee, because laws and regulations affecting every members All ELT seminars are discounted for NYSUT members. Some saw Prugh as the Cuomo plant in the UFT or vice versa. NEA is a great place to work! Box 15143 . Ask your Rosemary is a former Glen Cove teacher who has served many years as co-president of R.C. Its a job she relishes. New York State United Teachers is a statewide union with more than 600,000 members in education, The Buffalo teacher has spent 22 years in the citys International School #45. We are affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Education Association (NEA). If you do wish to receive more than one copy, please call 518-213-6000.Address changes: POSTMASTER:Member Records Department, 800 Troy-Schenectady Road, Latham, NY 12110, Unions press for more higher ed mental health supports, Ithaca unions work together to deal with staff shortage, How a disability influenced one Long Island teachers career, New York schools a refuge for migrant students. you are thinking as NYSUT members, and the Benchmark Polling Group is but Who is Melinda Person and what is going on with Andy? She taught me left and right., I thought about Miss Eckers, too! another student shouted out. Email Andrew Watson at andrew.watson or call 518-213-6000 or 800-448-4ADS. As NYSUT executive vice president, Pallotta for the past seven years led NYSUT's political and legislative arm in a tenure marked by innovation and expansion of member activism. VOTE-COPE is NYSUT's non-partisan action fund that coordinates the voluntary contributions of members and supports NYSUT-endorsed candidates and campaign committees that are pro-public-education and pro-labor. Yonkers Federation of Teachers, Robert Dickey | Sept. 11, 2021 And who is taking Person's place as political director of NYSUT? And who is taking Person's place as political director of NYSUT? As president, he will continue to oversee NYSUT's legislative and political strategy, along with legal services and communications. New NYSUT members should know that we welcome your involvement in As a Tier 14 member, Shermans retiree received an annual unreduced pension of $53,212. a group of 100 local leaders came to Albany to fight for pension legislation. NYSUT UNITED [November/December 2022, Vol. In 1997, he began an independent publication, Education Notes, a newsletter for NYC teachers which he turned into a blog, ednotesonline, in 2006. She occupied the same position at the state level that Cassie Prugh, who recently left the UFT, had. supports political action. NYSUT is optimistic about the return to in-person lobbying this year. We need members from different jobs representing all corners of the state to come together to fight for the resources that will support our schools as the center of our communities. and health and safety, are encouraged to talk with their local president about $US, Only 6-7% Tax! When talks broke down, members began daily actions, wearing red garb, buttons emblazoned with Fair Contract Now and engaging in scheduled walk-ins. Despite not being of retirement age, Jolene is out and being replaced as NYSUT Ex VP by a UFT Teacher Center person, Jaime Ciffone, thus putting the NYSUT Ex VP is back in the hands of the UFT. Naturally, all 700 Unity/UFT delegates will vote as one. Three years later, 2017, McGee was out and Pallotta moved up to replace her as president, the first time in the 40 year history of NYSUT that a UFTer occupied that role. Black has been on the staff of the union's Legislative and Political Department for 17 years, the last five as assistant director. Dick was a bit too independent for the Unity machine and in 2014, a coup of sorts was executed when an entire slate of alternate officers except for the Pallotta position was put up against the Iannuzzi slate with Karen McGee as a figurehead president. In recent years the union has been , thus putting the NYSUT Ex VP is back in the hands of the UFT. NYSUT represents teachers, school-related professionals, higher education faculty, professionals in education, human services and health care, and retirees. Share news about your locals union or community events at. Some 600 students are registered to utilize the Brockport Student Accessibility Services Center, which helps students with anxiety, depression and ADHD by offering, among other programs, accommodation for extra test time for students working through mental health struggles. Part of that work includes developing resolutions for the statewide unions annual Representative Assembly that center on topics including transgender rights and improving the school climate for LGBTQ educators and students. Over the summer, presidents of the Ithaca Teachers Association, Ithaca Substitutes Association and the Education Support Professionals/Ithaca joined forces to negotiate pay increases and new benefits for substitute teachers and School-Related Professionals who are serving in long-term teaching positions in Ithaca City School District. party and it doesnt matter which one. Candidates typically spend 200 to 400 hours completing the extensive application, including a portfolio, student work samples, videos and an analysis of their teaching and student learning. There were some disagreements internally in MORE as to whether to go ahead - it was pointed out that we would be supporting Unity incumbents - but that was finally settled and we ran 5 candidates for NYSUT Ex Bd in the local Ed Districts plus Arthur Goldstein ran against Pallotta for Ex VP. She has since taught nearly 1,000 kindergarten, first and second grade students, and multiple generations of community families. ", Abraham oversees NYSUT's Member Benefits and the union's social justice outreach. This is a high-visibility position! Read More . WANTED DEAD OR alive Old watches and clocks. budgets helps each and every union member in your community. VOTE-COPE is the political action fund of New York State United Teachers, supported by members' voluntary contributions to support grass-roots lobbying and political action on behalf of education, health care and labor issues. No I became a delegate, was elected to the executive board, and appointed membership development officer and political coordinator. According to the memorandum of agreement between the union and the district, educators hired under these terms would be paid based more squarely on the teaching work they were now doing and, in the case of substitutes, they would also be eligible for health insurance while in long-term teaching positions. The UFT/NYSUT/AFT hierarchy is fundamentally run like a monarchy where the people at the top chose the candidates and then the actual vote is pro forma. tool to connect a grassroots community of activists A bilingual Mexican-American who grew up in a small border town in Texas, Mata had moved to Western New York with her husband, who grew up in Buffalo. one more way to listen to your concerns and desires. Read an interview she did, In 2019, Melinda Person, who was NYSUT political director, assumed an additional title of. In his new role, he will supervise and manage the departments staff of legislative Salary is $135-150K, in Latham, NY (with some local and NYS travel). Thomas J. Tucker, president of the Buffalo Center Chapter of United University Professions (UUP) at the University at Buffalo, will receive the Regional Outstanding Leader Award from the Western New York Region of New York State United Teachers (NYSUT) at that union's 25th Annual Awards Dinner, to be held June 7 at Samuel's Grand Manor, 8750 Main St. in Williamsville. forms to new members and to individuals who have service agencies and he has a firm grasp on the legislative process in both Albany and Washington, professional staff, school bus drivers, custodians, Its important to push back against efforts that target educators simply for teaching the truth, she explained. She had been a somewhat shadowy and unpopular figure who came directly out of the Cuomo administration to the UFT. Some introduction around the state to the rank and file of someone no one except maybe the insiders know. Melinda Person is not from the UFT, but neither does she represent the upstate/Long Island interests, but essentially a long-time NYSUT bureaucrat (since 2008), the first time in NYSUT history the presidency was not occupied by a real teacher. NYSUT United publishes six issues from September to June. Brothers and Sisters, Yesterday, nearly 20,000 people - educators, parents and students from New York - convened in Albany for a very successful NYSUT-sponsored rally to provide voice to problems with high-stakes testing and tax cap. Our members are caring and deeply committed to helping Putnam Valley families and students, said President Ryan Odell. I now serve as the vice president for professionals. Nanuet teachers are the second lowest paid in the county, yet have the longest school year and day. Iannuzzi and his allies didn't go quietly into the night as a slate called. our classrooms, cafeterias and health care centers. safety, education standards, health care, pension and retirement. Make classroom misbehavior a thing of the past. My grandfather was a union organizer for the Erne River Hydroelectric Scheme back in Ireland, and my father, an Irish immigrant, is also a proud union member so I fully understand the benefits to a good quality of life that a union can provide. (NYSUT endorsed Elder Law Attorney), Emiljana Ulaj (NYSUT Political Organizer), and you will also learn about NYSUT retiree benefits and opportunities for activities in retirement. Pelliccia, the daughter of two NYSUT members, has been going to protests and rallies in Albany since she was in elementary school. Melinda Person, Executive Director/NYSUT Political Director democracy healthy and strong. A change in leadership at that level involves some preparation. As we prepare for the legislative session, below are a few frequently asked questions: Lobbying allows members to speak directly to those in the halls of power about what our students, colleagues and workplaces need. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. She spent much of her career teaching 6th grade in Pittsford, outside Rochester. Whats wrong with this picture? Keith Wrightson asked his audience during a kitchen safety workshop at the NYSUT School-Related Professionals Leadership Conference in November. Even Randi seems to have had more teaching experience than her. The free poster is available for download at York and who, if anyone, you prefer to vote for in elective offices. Thus, we see a change coming with the announcement of candidacy for NYSUT President by. The UFT has been firmly opposed to opt-out and supportive of testing - (makes me think someone owns stock in the testing companies). able to stave off cuts to our schools, kill dangerous proposals such as vouchers During election season, you will be responsible for robust multimedia messaging campaigns around priority issues and races. Act now! Eva Mrozka - RC 2 President. Kudos recognizes the accomplishments of NYSUT members. His audience, mostly cafeteria workers from Syracuse and the Southern Tier, quickly rattled off the safety issues they spotted in the photograph of a school kitchen. He most recently was director of research at the Empire Center for Public Policy and is a Trump OMB alum. representatives, analyze legislative proposals, help shape NYSUTs legislative positions and oversee the Endorsements; Voting Info; Campaigns; Vote-Cope; FAQ's; NYSUT/UUP Labor Relations Specialists Jeremy Ginsburg - NYSUT Staff Director for UUP 518-640-6600 518-640-6698. Previously, Anthony was a Director, Operations, Davi d T Kearns Center For Leadership Diversity In Science & Engineering at The University of Rochester and also held positions at City of Rochester, NY. We met at the flagpole outside the school building and walked in as a group, said Lange. Probably sensitive to the remnants of the opposition from 2014, especially the heavy test opt-out districts of Long Island. New members are often most at risk of layoffs in difficult fiscal From the cities to the countryside, community schools are delivering for students, educators and families, NYSUT United is a member publication of the International Labor Communications Association, Metro New York Labor Communications Council, State Education Association Communicators.Editorial and Production Department:518-213-6000 and 800-342-9810 (toll-free)Annual subscription: $15. about our profession from those in the profession. It was the subject of a late-November state Assembly hearing at which representatives from UUP, Professional Staff Congress and NYSUT detailed proposals for how to tackle the needs that pre-date, but have only grown since, the pandemic. If you havent already, the new year is also a good time to set up a MyNYSTRS account at, so you can quickly and easily access your retirement information. We think schools and unions are better run by people with hands-on experience. But did she have the same level of power and control as Shanker/Lubin/Pallotta? It was a perfect fit for me, said Mata, who noted the programs fast-paced schedule, hands-on learning and support system set her up for success and an immediate job offer to be a Spanish teacher in Buffalo City Schools. reduced in our schools. (He must have noticed how much I've been enjoying my 20 years of retirement.) Deputy Political Director and Polling Center Manager at The NYSUT . The The new Exec VP in 2017 replacing Andy was not a Unity person for the first time after over a 40 year run (Shanker/Lubin/Pallotta). Philippe Abraham brings a broad spectrum of teaching and professional experience, coupled with union drive to his new role as NYSUT first vice president. So Goes the UFT, So Goes the NYSUT Election? Free parking! For more info, visit My favorite part of my job is helping and interacting with students. Fran Legum, Nassau BOCES Central Council of Teachers retiree, has written Constructive Response Question Sourcebook for the state Global History and Geography Regents Exam and Short Essay Sourcebook for the US History and Government Regents Exam. The Benchmark Polling Group will never try to sell you anything. In the 70s, he was a member of an opposition caucus to Unity. Volunteering to work in NYSUT phone Your job seeking activity is only visible to you. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. public schools comes from the efforts of hundreds of grass-roots lobbyists. Salary is $135-150K, onsite position in Latham, NY. Your statewide union has a political fund-raising arm called VOTE-COPE. Above, members wear purple to bring awareness to Alzheimers Disease. website UX/UI, mass email communications, social media marketing, SEO/SEM, Familiarity with print/collateral marketing materials and production, Ability to work in a dynamic, ever-changing and fast-paced environment, Familiarity with web design, email marketing and CMS programs, Demonstrated writing and editing skills, Excellent organizational skills and the ability to work collaboratively, Bachelor's degree in marketing, communications or related field preferred, Referrals increase your chances of interviewing at Alaant Workforce Solutions by 2x. In the 50-year history of NYSUT, there has almost never actually been a competitive election - except in 2014 - more on that below. We got our answer shortly after with this Twitter announcement by Andy Pallotta: The order of announcement seemed strange. to our schools helps keep your class size down, invests in your professional Throughout her 51 years in the classroom, Karen Krogslund was much more than an educator. we'll send an email with your membership information. Positive relationships with teachers and staff is vital to a programs success, Yaker said. Brendan McGovern, United University ProfessionsBinghamton Chapter, is the program coordinator for the Department of Geography at SUNY Binghamton. Union members in Tiers 5 and 6 have significantly diminished benefits and must work longer before they can retire. Westbury Teachers Association, Mike Levine | Jan. 27, 2022 Were a mobile society. Well-liked and competent. We have protected tenure rights, guaranteed automatic cost-of-living pension increases for public sector retirees and secured more state funding for schools and public colleges. If we find you in our database,
They deserve a fair contract! Advertising: Email Andrew Watson at or call 518-213-6000 or . To start, make sure your beneficiary information is correct. district budgets and the programs and services we provide by being organized and public higher education institution, and the working conditions of every Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a1442a1aa7c77f2 funding quality education in this state. The NYSUT Member Action Center, an online 6030 for information. implemented by government agencies in Albany and Washington, D.C. My two sisters and I grew up on the East End of Long Island in a small, close-knit community. While working as a teacher aide and taking undergraduate Spanish courses at the University at Buffalo, one of Matas professors, Erin Kearney, told her there was a huge shortage of world language teachers and suggested she look into UBs teacher residency program. As unionists, we know that something that affects one of our members affects all of our members, Pallotta said. Free parking! In his new role, he will supervise and manage the department's staff of . A dynamic and respected union leader from the Rochester area, DiBrango has served many roles from assistant building representative to . Some have had access to pre-K and kindergarten; others have not. Careers. NYSUT Oct 2015 - Present 7 years 5 months. from my numerous Ed Notes posts I link to below pretty much in reverse order by publishing dates between March and April 2014: This post was originally posted at Norms blog, Ed Notes: Norm Scott spent most of his 35 years in the NYC Board of Education as a UFT member teaching in an elementary in Brooklyn. English teacher and high school football coach Dave Yaker, a member of the Lynbrook TA, helped bring smiles to his colleagues faces to start the school year. You may choose to opt-out of ad cookies. What information should I check? What is VOTE-COPE? 1 ] NEW YORK STATE UNITED TEACHERS Jaime was actually a teacher but for quite some time has been working as a teacher center person, recently in seemingly management position (see bio below). Phone: 516-496-2035. And it works. But the money position was in Pallotta's hands. Five divisions within the AFT represent the broad spectrum of the AFT's membership: pre-K through 12th-grade teachers; paraprofessionals and other school-related personnel . Having local committees across the state will help us share best practices and get like-minded people working together.. YOUR SOUTH FLORIDA real estate connection. . Nicki Richardson is a Deputy Political Director and Polling Center Manager at The NYSUT based in Latham, New York. is often as important as voting in the general elections. In this role, you will also be responsible for overseeing and tracking digital campaigns to create awareness of union priorities. Many of us in the oppo liked Lubin - we used to kid him about having to move from Brooklyn to Albany and offered to get him a parka - the last time I saw him was at the 2010 AFT convention in Seattle. Yonkers Federation of Teachers, Esther Kosakoff | July 1, 2022 There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. ALBANY, N.Y. Nov. 23, 2015 - Christopher Black of Clifton Park has been named director of NYSUT is a federation of more than 1,200 local unions, each representing its own members. The program is open to public school students from all five boroughs in New York City. board races and for passage of school budgets. By creating this job alert, you agree to the LinkedIn User Agreement and Privacy Policy. I bet not. Louisa Pacheco is a Regional Political Organizer at The NYSUT based in Latham, New York. s the nation continues to grapple with the ongoing educator shortage, NYSUT is looking to engage future teachers before they even step into the classroom and partnering with student groups on SUNY campuses to do it. Business Development Manager - Systems Furniture - BERMUDA! Director Of Communications sure to support the pro-labor, pro-public-education candidates on the ballot. NYSUT discount. The union has also successfully advocated for local incentives, stipends and the states Albert Shanker Grant, which covers the costs for National Board Certification. (up to 40 percent) of the contributions VOTECOPE His enthusiasm and work ethic will statewide, grass-roots network of member-volunteers, called the Committee A dynamic and respected union leader from the Rochester area, DiBrango has served many roles from assistant building representative to president in the 800-member Pittsford District Teachers' Association. Regular work week but other events in evenings/weekends sometimes. Thats where community schools change the game, helping students and families thrive.. In addition, 137 New York teachers completed the process to renew their National Board Certification in 2022. 19 with Louise Levine-Rosenthal. This is a high-visibility position! Will work alongside our legislative and political teams on ongoing campaigns and new initiatives and will oversee communications teams to deliver needed support assets. Though in the middle of a rough contract struggle, members of the Putnam Valley FT had a great turnout in December for one of the locals most popular events: the annual student scholarship bowling outing. Activists include classroom NEA BOARD MEMBERS: Serena Kotch - Senior NEA Board Member; Dora Leland - Interim; Sue Raichilson - Alternate NEA Board Member AFT STATE DELEGATES: J. Philippe Abraham, Joseph Cantafio, Jolene DiBrango, Roberta Elins AFT STATE ALTERNATES: #1 Ronald Gross, #2 Andrea McCue HONORARY BOARD MEMBERS: Thomas Y. Hobart, Jr. (President Emeritus), Antonia Cortese (Emerita), Alan Lubin (Executive . Thanks to NYSUT advocacy last session, the 2022 state budget included COVID-19 recovery grants, which provide $100 million for the 202223 and 202324 school years to address student well-being and learning loss due to the pandemic. Felicia Bruce, Brentwood TA retiree, has received the Florida Education Association Service Award in recognition of her work to advance the cause of human and civil rights. 52 Director as successor to Joan Perrini after Mel Stern withdrew his nomination. And many of us in MORE at that time were involved. How did you get involved with your union? Messner was first elected to statewide office in April 2014. Support for our Since Im teaching English language learners, I want to make it real and accessible for them, she said, just as her teachers once did for her. NYSUT UNITED [January/February 2023, Vol. As trends and technology evolved, Krogslund stayed current, incorporating innovative and creative strategies into her classroom to best meet the needs of her students. Your NYSUT membership offers you exclusive access to dozens of endorsed programs and services that can help with creating a solid plan for you and your loved ones. , an appointed position, which seems to echo the elected Ex Director. all school districts to establish codes of conduct to ensure that our schools are NEW YORK STATE UNITED TEACHERS 800 Troy-Schenectady Road, Latham, NY 12110 518-213-6000 800-342-9810 OFFICERS: President: Andy Pallotta . to exercise one of your most basic rights Heat. If you do wish to receive more than one copy, please call 518-213-6000.Address changes: POSTMASTER:Member Records Department, 800 Troy-Schenectady Road, Latham, NY 12110. ooking ahead to the 2023 legislative session, NYSUT is focused with optimism and purpose. Regular work week but other events in evenings/weekends sometimes. In his first term as secretary-treasurer, Messner oversaw a significant reversal in the union's finances going from record deficits and fiscal stress to restored reserves and the elimination of waste and redundancy. The union is hoping to expand on victories from the 2022 legislative session and continue the fight to improve working and learning environments for students and educators, said NYSUT President Andy Pallotta. Belonging to a union, he says, "seeks to merge people through shared interests.". This is a high-visibility position! Households with multiple members will receive only one copy. Now every Saturday from 9 am12 pm, I teach a group of students from fourth through eighth grade. The same level of power and control as Shanker/Lubin/Pallotta, first and second grade students, and retirees vice.. Deeply committed to helping Putnam Valley families and students, and retirees a somewhat shadowy unpopular. 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