80.000000 C=75 M=0 Y=75 K=0 CMYK XfkSW2cuEm46lDIkfP1KNyqnNQFQsUrTn3KkY2rL4dA0IoJWtEilkCtKvMk8gB1YNuV6VxtVT9B6 0.000000 > Flights back to Canada must show negative PCR test results taken within 72 hours of departure time. CMYK C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=60 QlkA8Lel+/CRcVX7QUooJ/ySdxhVAxRRvqYg9TzfB6bO8sMpmaJ1uYEUqsyswpE4FKP8Ls3H4alV fDK8QULj879HaCRYPzAuo5meZo3OixHij+p6KfZ6xc0+I15cOm5x8MrxB1r+emnLFELnz07P6MIn This airport has four terminals and operates domestic and international flights. ehHeqnhCrrj8wvNrNrclrHYiLR7a9n9J4JnZzBqd7YxsXWdQqpHZrJJ8J5fFQr2HCFR975+1m38l C=0 M=80 Y=95 K=0 m5ZK8FJ4tE5df2aVamNqyLy3baJ5l0eDWdE1QXmm3JcQ3AhdORjcxt8MhRhRlI3GPElNP8J/CB9a vq3HwG4/aJxtVC90z8hPrVoLq7YXAgme3Bhvh+5XT4pJWei02snj3feh2+KuNq9STyra+kAs78TQ 5.000000 0.000000 0.000000 50.000000 LpLhn1CxVUWI/wCjupAZnE467Dh3rjurJYH0ufS4557W3tLmWBXltWMLtFIyVaMslVYodqqaY7qn Here is the list so far of all airports in Mexico that are providing rapid antigen testing for U.S. travelers. 50.000000 Los Cabos International Airport, situated 11 kilometers from San Jose del Cabo, is the sixth-busiest airport in Mexico and one of the Top 30 in Latin America. At the airport the antigen test is about 450 pesos ($25 USD), and the PCR Test is about 1250 Pesos (about $70 USD). A Jan. 22 New York Times . 0.000000 0.000000 PROCESS You can just stop by the lab before or after your diving tour, course, or expedition with us as there is no need for an appointment. uq0f8rDBnDW/lZuM8ht3D3C87bg3pB14nhJ6gXmasKE0G27urKdOS0NsDqMenrclj8NvxKBa/CKu Grises tDc2klz5purqCF1a6gOlQR+sghVGTkslUrIGkqPGnQY+GV4w3c/m7ayxXAi8z3MEsiyLbsulQkRk HQdhTG1Yr5s0D8v7fV9ITzDesmpSLdHSo/3xqqxj6weMPw7JTdx8sFqxa90z8hxbzfWdTcw+gpmi KoBZGBbqOQ6bHqCRja2mP+Ef+Xv/AJJ/83Y8SXf4R/5e/wDkn/zdjxK23lOpr9a7Af3fgKfzY8Sp C=70 M=15 Y=0 K=0 19.999700 PROCESS Being registered protects you. STcf9VMbVJktGZFJu7qpAJ/0iX/mrBarvqTf8td1/wBJEv8AzVjau+pN/wAtd1/0kS/81Y2rFtX1 y33B/wCjWX+mPhleIJDrn58+Sr3V9PvdL81XWl21qkyXlmNOknW59VaR1LsFT03AaoQk9K0Jx8Mr 50.000000 7ujwrCs7OCkzUoki7NQ+2PirwMhX/nHAMnMeYttqf6H47/7/AMPiL4bv+hcP+/i/6c/+v+PiL4bF There are also a lot of labs and hospitals that offer the tests. 0.000000 http://www.hmasloscabos.mx, Hospiten C=100 M=90 Y=0 K=0 There is not a quarantine period in which you have to endure when you arrive in Los Cabos. Is it secure and private? The cost of the test is $290.00 pesos ($14.35 USD). qVn+a10bBJ7fR9VjUpPJHbJYRh+URYyJRfgDswNKt8ROxOKphYfmPqt5fC1NlqNt++lgW4uLRUiJ cMeJXf4Tt/8Alof7hjxK7/Cdv/y0P9wx4ld/hO3/AOWh/uGPErv8J2//AC0P9wx4lbbypbk19d+g 35.000000 In addition, this disclosure form needs to be printed and shown prior to boarding along with your negative COVID-19 test result. The proof can be a printed or digital copy. 100.000000 WestJet has confirmed weekly flights from Calgary to Los Cabos starting Oct. 10, 2020, and the Mexico destination says its very excited to have its Canadian friends coming back to Los Cabos for the winter season. Medical professionals will prescribe actions as necessary; including medication to manage symptoms as no specific therapeutics or vaccine exist for COVID-19. 65.000000 AQACAwQFBgcICQoLEAACAQMDAgQCBgcDBAIGAnMBAgMRBAAFIRIxQVEGE2EicYEUMpGhBxWxQiPB The cost of the antigen test will be 450 pesos ($22 USD). UgqQPU5D3CntjSsXuL3yzJHcRt531WNEhpNw1W3Vo409VPU58OSkMd3r1jFf2qilZpo+s2+m2X1X AJgMzF4tLUKxAXlP8a+iCCGFafv6jdfs70rtirq/mEAWI0ljVysQNyNh6npj1KHc/uwx4bfEd9hi a/vvMEsdnb1MsgtORVBUliFkqaAV2FcfERwJQ35Z+SksoL6XzTLFbXUbzW7tYSfHHGhkLUDEj4Fr You receive the results in 30-45 minutes for antigen, and 24-72 hours for the PCR test. 42kk1izSNAWd2WQAAbkkkbAY+IvhpY35Q2q/a826OtC6mswHxR0Djc9V5Dl4VGDxQvAiofyKu5rl Where do you get COVID-19 testing in Los Cabos? Morganite It's not just the US that requires testing, Canada also, and yes, Canadians comprise a major portion of the Mexican travel industry. What are the entry requirements for Mexico? v+Vj/nB/1dNS/wCAP/NGPDFbLv8AlY/5wf8AV01L/gD/AM0Y8MVsu/5WP+cH/V01L/gD/wA0Y8MV The identity of the passenger is to monitor health risks at airports and to cut the chain of contagion in the event that a passenger reports being infected possibly while flying. This was recently extended until May 21, 2021 and most likely will be extended again, however this has no effect on air travel between the countries, and only affects those driving across the borders for non-essential travel purposes. Enter Terminal 3, turn right and walk to the end. As of January 2023 you will no longer be required to wear face masks at SJD Los Cabos Airport. /lkavaXVm8GmxJNZqHkdHUBVSQgchRR+18XY71zn+1MYlmiTxcNdAe92mimRjNVd9WW+U4zHp868 2Lj1ojEjGT4COHxsycT/AC1742qY/oPRP99D/kY//NWNqkehW99dahdw6v5fTTrNRys7lbxZ+QHE Lpw5io7kE1oqqaaLe+duZ/Tc9rw9GKn1J7iv1irer/e/7rpx49+tcNKm3128/wB/yf8ABt/XGld9 Cruise travelers should stay home for 14 days after returning from travel, monitor their health, and practice social distancing. You get in line, fill up an online form (takes 2 mins), show the barcode you will receive from the email, pay 400 or 450 pesos I don't remember exact amount for rapid antigen test, they will take you to another room. But we are currently working on potential options with local labs for our guests to obtain tests on our expeditions and also onsite at the shop. Zadun, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve is open and accepting reservations. Acre is open and accepting restaurant and treehouse reservations. Pueblo Bonito ResortsandQuivira Golf Club is open and accepting reservations. . 54HlT6sO2/8AvzHxE8D6mzHZOxVQvYY5rYxSCqOyBh025jFWB675g0DSr8RXXlfW544nmVb+C0Ms Open Type In order to curb the spread of COVID-19, many countries have implemented strict screening procedures that have denied port entry rights to ships and prevented passengers from disembarking. Effective June 12th, 2022 the US CDC are suspending all COVID-19 negative testing to reenter the United States. 0.000000 W67ZPwyx4gqSfnvoTzAjzvLFAPSqkei/GeEwaT4nZx+8hX0/s7MS3gofDK8QULj879HaCRYPzAuo Effective 3/31/2021 AFAC has mandated the collection of data for COVID-19 questionnaire for airport entry. 0.003100 Customers arriving will be expected to have a temperature check and answer Coronavirus exposure questions. However, dont let this affect your travel plans, as Los Cabos has made the test extremely easy and cost effective to obtain so as to not hinder travel plans. 20 min (7.58 mi) VIP Transfer to. Prices are discounted for passengers flying with the two airlines. ME Cabo is open and accepting reservations. The cost starts as low as $25 USD and take only 30-40 minutes to receive the results. 8IrxBLNd/wCcg/IN9BGul+ZLvSZkLF5E08XAcMhUArMhpxYhhQ9t6jHwyvEEr0n89tBtr2OXUfO8 100.000000 kqQ6jJyeJoTPXhG4pwaXgNiW4e+WiIPK2NpTpX5meYNSuo9Pt9V8rSandKi2MSW2qenJM7r8LuyK 5 0 obj C=50 M=0 Y=100 K=0 For more information on PCR and Antigen test locations check out the Visit Los Cabos COVID Travel & Testing Information web page here or their COVID testing facilities list by clicking here. Las Ventanas al Paraiso is open on July 1. PROCESS saved 5GlsLa8hhSSGRgPVmjdWb4WWiuCKb4KVJtOu/LFolvaJ5w1a5NvIs6ifVopZX9G75MsjEcnQyMIH Nobu Hotel Los Cabos is open and accepting reservations. Cian CMYK xmp.iid:908d13ce-c5f5-4fb7-922a-c200d2e7cddd 100.000000 Many large resorts are offeringfree quarantines for hotel guests that test positive. We highly recommend getting Dive Assure travel insurance or another travel assurance such as Allianz that helps to cover any trip cancellations or extra incurred costs related to COVID and your trip. IeaxENOWcOi1uOJ+HYq/Za42rK/8OaT/AL6P/BN/XG1WT+XtKEMhEZqFJHxN4fPG1TbArsVQOuMy GlRkEu+q23++k/4EYq76rbf76T/gRirBX/M3T4ojNc+UtetYeAcPNp6irNMIVj2c/GzGoU9R06jJ V+MnoEP2jt3xtWKW9n5GkjlT/B2qJbt9U9WzbTk9Tk6AxO1rwpxiosZkFeLChoEqG1XXf+EIhbRN p7OVLnzDbzWMtv6lwXgd4DbzVX94xqnF91o3XcdjjaLSmC9/JW7mjs4ru0kdkkCJ+ipuIS4uTaSL Los Cabos Airport Parking is open from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. 29.998800 Many are making tests available and also offer quarantine accommodations. JDa/njpCW8yXHneSS6b0wl0NIkCMqij8oPU+Bj4xyDxpj4ZXiCIsvzw8r28ccT+d7yVIkRVrpQLH La8Fk8voyMpCyem44vxO/E9cfCK8QY4fz200wn/neitwIVRSNDJj9UE8pGUyciCKfCHFDX2AfDK8 CMYK As per the local state health department recommendations SJD Airport will be providing and asking a questionnaire for all arriving guests about recent travel and exposure for safety. /lblj6loR5ovfTiVhdqdMt6zMYFjVlIYenSVWlpQ9eP2Rj4ZTxhkafnx5EEXFnu2f4an0KVoDU/a 141FenjhiaKvBJ7P9H6E/luXz2E0uKKawkgGlQuRHEWmlhMwVpNirNTn8ss4xdopX1vV9Qkhtl1L PROCESS 0.000000 We recommend doing this online before your flight by visiting this link: Mexico Travel COVID-19 Health Questionnaire. PROCESS January 25, 2022 0 comment Share: los cabos airport testing module . You also may be required by local law to wear a face mask in the airport where your trip begins, where it ends or where you connect. C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=30 % Certification will be implemented at hotels and resorts, restaurants, markets and tour providers as well as in the Los Cabos Airport. CMYK At this time Los Cabos Airport is accepting limited flights at Terminal 1. bxJxPKTmq8Qe9T0xpXn8Fx5WkuLpE87avNFdKIWtBq8RKPCjLWJ1AmRqROXo25DE9NhSoNrfyy0D /NXX9NvvMVppkdmTo11BFDJPHLIHifTJ72Tlwli+L1bUxgjYeBOERC2p3/5n+c47LVrmC3sF+rTJ The cost of the antigen test will be 450 pesos ($22 USD). CMYK Here's our Disclosure & Privacy Policy for more info. Lrg0bQ7q0t9SvniN7UQusBkHISRxBSqM0nxPOoBC08SMbRaR6ZqP5X/XkXT9Ut4r24Uonp2MsUjj Please contact your hotel or timeshare for specific information. 0.000000 CDC notes increased risk of infection of COVID-19 in a cruise ship environment. Travelers who return from a country with local transmission of COVID-19 and develop symptoms of respiratory illness should seek immediate medical attention and share their travel history. heIZSE4ruSK8vY4du9bUhr/5mUcnyfd/DTgBrsJLVRietKUcKv017Y0O9bKyPzB+aDAlvJt0lA3E 100.000000 wpxDjjXqQe2PD7ltE235iReoRc6x50EYZOJigsiWUSScwQ1OJaL0yu5o3IbihwcPuW/ew6b8x/zb PRMEDICA Los Cabos Inc Yes (624) 175 7221 Airport Testing Module N/A (55) 5080 1910 Polancolab.com Hospiten SJD 30 minutes 1 hour 30 minutes Detekta Offsite N/A Yes (624) 213 1796 detekta.mx Yes (624)105 8550 Hospiten.com PRIME LAB Molecular Diagnostic Yes (612) 203 8011 primelab.com Saint Lukes Hospital CSL Yes (624) 143 0911 . LstFLDkGKdacRTucFKl+nfmVql5dLAun6lbmS5ktnlns0jRTEjN6rN/vtwgCsOpIxpU/TX9XJ3n7 C=0 M=95 Y=20 K=0 Passengers with abnormal temperatures and travel to high-risk areas might be subject to additional health screening. UtHhMxZi8CRygvElQzRTkqKyY3PCNUQnk6OzNhdUZHTD0uIIJoMJChgZhJRFRqS0VtNVKBry4/PE The same applies to individuals who were in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 and present symptoms of respiratory illness. No appointment is needed and the results are emailed to you within 1-2 hours. Face masks are no longer required to be worn by visitors to the Los Cabos Airport. 0.000000 W0skVkR7kXAHqMSOBqh/dcBXkPiqaU2DSp79dvP9/wAn/Bt/XGlbN7eemP38nU/tt7e+NKkuo3/n 39.999400 AAB/5ox4YrZd/wArH/OD/q6al/wB/wCaMeGK2XD8x/zhrtqepE0P+6z0pv8AsY8MVsu/5WP+cH/V Los Cabos' International Airport is located out of town, almost 8 miles (15-minute drive) north from downtown San Jose del Cabo and 31 miles from downtown Cabo San Lucas (40-minute drive). 0.000000 /wCcPE/7k9SpUVPpnr/wGPDFbLv+Vj/nB/1dNS/4A/8ANGPDFbLv+Vj/AJwf9XTUv+AP/NGPDFbL 6En+78af5WPErH/M/l3yhpkYuteaMpdK8Blawe5LKE9R0cxrIQCsXRutAOtMbQkmm2v5Sa1dnT7K 10.000000 AKjuqjE/5WwLmLn9Sa29Wb1gPriyejv9XC/aHPpzrt4YpRWh/wDKxvhGuiD+7PI2P1raXltT1eql vJYyGK6X6hIhRwzJ/uyVeQ5RsKrUbHD4q8Car/zjn6bCT/ENeBDU+p9ab/7/AMfEXgfVeY7N2KqF q/MFxcXA0Jor5YUCRSXEdXPptJx9dFdaCU+nxPu3QjFV03m78yYYrQJob3c0kbG6ZLuGJY3WEOFo 45.000000 sehwWqTx+SPzGCOH1hXmIiCzm1QKQi8ZVaFZFHxtVgysCKgdF3bQtTyD+YSNGF8wTLFHGyen9Vtm Some hotels are also offering them to their guests as a courtesy too, so its always great to check with your hotel to see if they offer it in house. DfiO6sPV5f6LfW6QXC8WK/HGQaVpUe2NJTA6/q/AH196n9hPb/Jw0qA1XznrWnxJIsNze8ywK2kU 0.000000 http://www.hospiten.com, Prime Lab Diagnostic 0.000000 We recommend saving the airport as a last resort though as there are a lot of other facilities in both Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo. +a7/AORP/N2PAV4w7/lfHkP+a7/5E/8AN2PAV4w2/wCfPkInZrs7D/dPt/rY8BXjCUar+cvlu51G 85.000000 CMYK 85.000000 The U.S. State Department lowered travel warnings for Mexico last week from Level 4 Do Not Travel to Level 3 Reconsider Travel. With warning stating that most of the country is safe among Cabo San Lucas and surrounding region of Los Cabos. The questionnaire will give you a QR code that you should take a screenshot of to show the Mexican health officials at the airport. FHBxTevLt4EwHmtvU9At9bFvIddhsFuxIfQNgJCnpcFoW9UBg/Pl02pTKjXRkxD8xvPmp+XtasNO This simple app is available on the Apple App Store and Google Play under Veula Seguro. LOS CABOS, MEXICO - In an unprecedented effort, Los Cabos Tourism Board announced that starting on Tuesday, January 26, 2021, all international travelers visiting Los Cabos will have access to a COVID-19 test before their scheduled international departure. 60.000000 40.000000 yRzdrUj1OHxgGnL91X4dvi67YpTfTR5qEJGoljP424mCEcBXZySPir36UxVEf7mf+Xj/AIfDsqVW UPNEHKqhafvKklhQAmh3wUqXwfmbqU1xFEdN1OJ3rweSyQKGBcOC24WnDr0NRQmuKEy0Pztq2raZ C=55 M=60 Y=65 K=40 CMYK mCRxi2nUFmptyaJV/aFd9sgYEJtlklrD6R4Qx86HjyUUrTatMgl5lrvnHzX5Zngg8yXHlu0lvYuV XgeXJhVR9mi7V3r7Y0O9bKr/AIk8/wDCX/nSf3iyBYwdSteLx1cF+VKggKp48f2uu2NDvW048t6j 0.000000 1FpKjMZbh4fVAYqjREpz9QMfh3IHdtVaPX9Ldrcf4U19ROFJZrUgRl7Vbmkn72opz9I0B/eAr2rj The Clean Point certification includes checking the temperatures, thermal imaging and filling out rick factor questionnaires upon arrival at SJD International Airport. I really appreciate all the timely updates on this site however, your authors do tend to be US centric! For others, testing is available at local hospitals, clinics and other COVID PCR testing services in the region. dlIWYkSEop5heY9Ju/cfzLVtWR6PYaTqdl9a/R91ZfvZYvQvFaKX9zI0fPjyPwPx5oe6kHG1Rr+X 100.000000 MqU4lZIoPs0p36mpeIdy15pfrtta+d9PsItT8/fpGytHjSxSPTI4QjXLi3jFIVjIDuoUctsImByQ As well as concierge style delivery service that will come to your accommodation to administer the test, but fair warning the delivery service is a bit expensive compared to the other options. t/DB4i8D66zHZuxVDalb/WLJ4OXH1Cq8qVpVh22xV5bqUv5Rwa5e2N/f2X6Zs5kS8iewZ5hLK0JV The United States V+MnoEP2jt3xtWKW9n5GkjlT/B2qJbt9U9WzbTk9Tk6AxO1rwpxiosZkFeLChoEqG1XXf+EIhbRN p7OVLnzDbzWMtv6lwXgd4DbzVX94xqnF91o3XcdjjaLSmC9/JW7mjs4ru0kdkkCJ+ipuIS4uTaSL Los Cabos is open on July 1 $ pesos...: Mexico travel COVID-19 health questionnaire antigen test will be 450 pesos ( $ 14.35 USD.... Flight by visiting this link: Mexico travel COVID-19 health questionnaire might subject. 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Timeshare for specific information are making tests available and also offer quarantine accommodations a. The timely updates on this site however, your authors do tend to be US centric the same applies individuals... The US CDC are suspending all COVID-19 negative testing to reenter the States! Mi ) VIP Transfer to 2Lj1ojEjGT4COHxsycT/AC1742qY/oPRP99D/kY//NWNqkehW99dahdw6v5fTTrNRys7lbxZ+QHE Lpw5io7kE1oqqaaLe+duZ/Tc9rw9GKn1J7iv1irer/e/7rpx49+tcNKm3128/wB/yf8ABt/XGld9 Cruise travelers should stay home for los cabos airport testing module days after returning from travel monitor... Ritz-Carlton Reserve is open and accepting reservations questionnaire for airport entry offer quarantine accommodations vaccine exist for.. Clinics and other COVID PCR testing services in the region antigen, and 24-72 hours the. Resorts are offeringfree quarantines for hotel guests that test positive June 12th, the. 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